Wadsworth Middle School wrestlers placed second in the
16 team Vermillion Tournament on Saturday 12/27/04.

 Team scores were:

Wadsworth 67 - Lorain Whittier 16

Wadsworth 63 - Mayfield 18

Wadsworth 42 - Miamisburg 39

Wadsworth 30 -St. Gabriel 48

 Winning matches for Wadsworth were:

 Brett Currens (2), Dan Foore (4), Marc Snodgrass (3),Alex Gray (3 ), Louden Gordon (1), Aarrick Jones ( 4), T.J. Swartz (2), Bart Randolph (3 ), Caleb Busson (4 ), Josh Otanicar (3 ), Dan Cooper (2 ), Nate Lamp (3),Jordan  Richards (3 ) and Ross Reed ( 2).

 Winning awards for going undefeated for the day were Dan Foore, Aarrick Jones and Caleb Busson. 

Wadsworth scored 23 pins in the tournament.

                                   WADSWORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL MANUEVERS REPORT
                                                  ALL LEVELS
                                          12/27/2004 THRU 12/31/2004

 WRESTLER NAME                     WON  LOST  TEAM PTS.   T    N3    N2   R    E    P    N4
 CALEB BUSSON                        4     0     24.00     1    0     0    0    0    0     0
 DAN COOPER                          2     2     12.00     2    0     0    0    0    0     0
 BRETT CURRENS                       2     2      9.00     3    2     0    0    2    0     0
 DAN FOORE                           4     0     18.00     4    0     1    1    1    1     0
 LOUDEN GORDON                       1     3      6.00     1    0     0    0    1    0     0
 ALEX GRAY                           3     1     16.00     8    3     1    1    2    0     0
 ALFREDO GRAY                        0     4      0.00     0    0     0    0    1    1     0
 ARRICK JONES                        4     0     21.00     8    1     5    1    2    0     0
 NATHAN LAMP                         3     1     15.00     4    0     2    1    0    0     0
 JOSH OTANICAR                       3     1     18.00     3    1     1    1    2    0     0
 BART RANDOLPH                       3     1     15.00     4    0     0    0    0    0     0
 ROSS REED                           2     2     12.00     1    0     0    2    4    2     0
 JORDAN RICHARDS                     2     2     12.00     1    2     0    1    1    0     0
 MARC SNODGRASS                      3     1     15.00     3    1     0    2    4    1     0
 T.J. SWARTZ                         2     2      9.00     4    2     2    2    0    0     0

  WRESTLER NAME                    T      N3      N2      R      E       P      N4
  WADSWORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL          47     12      12      12     20       5       0
  OPPONENTS                        38     13       8      12     17      15       0

  LEVEL              WON  LOST        RESULT           FOR    AGAINST  RESULT           FOR   AGAINST
 ------------------------------      ---------------------------------------------------------------
  A-TEAM              38    22       TEAM PTS.        202.00   118.00  MAJOR DECS         1       1
  B-TEAM               0     0       DECISIONS          8        3     FORFEITS           6       0
  EXHIBITION           0     0       FALLS             23       15     DEFAULTS           0       0
                                     TECH FALLS         0        3     DISQUALIFI         0       0
  SEASON RECORD       38    22