Wadsworth Middle School wrestlers placed 1st in the 11 team West Holmes tournament.

              Team scores were: 

              Dover - 37              Wooster - 43              Shenandoah - 52              Revere - 79              Sandy Valley - 107

              West Holmes - 129              Clear Fork - 133              Malabar - 136              Black River - 155

              Ridgewood - 186              Wadsworth - 399.5

        Wrestlers placing  for Wadsworth were:

              4th place- Logan Ramsey

              3rd place- Alfredo Gray

              2nd place-Brett Currens and Alex Gray

              1st place-Dan Foore, Aarrick Jones, T.J. Swartz, Bart Randolph, Caleb Busson, Josh Otanicar, Nate Lamp, Jordan Richards, Ross Reed and Marvin Zickefoose.

        Also winning matches for Wadsworth was Joe Thompson.

 Wadsworth recorded 47 pins in the tournament.


                                                 A-TEAM LEVEL
                                          01/15/2005 THRU 01/16/2005

                                                   POINTS   POINTS
 WRESTLER NAME                       WON   LOST     FOR     AGAINST
 CALEB BUSSON                          5      0     34.00      0.00
 BRETT CURRENS                         4      1     21.00      4.00
 DAN FOORE                             4      0     29.00      0.00
 ALEX GRAY                             3      1     22.00     18.00
 ALFREDO GRAY                          3      1     18.00      4.00
 ARRICK JONES                          5      0     32.00      0.00
 NATHAN LAMP                           5      0     33.00      0.00
 JOSH OTANICAR                         5      0     33.50      0.00
 LOGAN RAMSEY                          3      1     22.00     18.00
 BART RANDOLPH                         4      0     28.00      0.00
 ROSS REED                             5      0     32.00      0.00
 JORDAN RICHARDS                       4      0     30.00      0.00
 T.J. SWARTZ                           4      0     30.00      0.00
 JOE THOMPSON                          2      2      5.00      4.00
 MARVIN ZICKEFOOSE                     4      0     30.00      0.00

 WRESTLER NAME                    T       N3      N2     R       E       P      N4
 WADSWORTH MIDDLE SCHOOL          75      39      17     21      12       0      0
 OPPONENTS                        13       8       1     11       6       5      0

 LEVEL              WON   LOST       RESULT           FOR     AGAINST  RESULT           FOR  AGAINST
 ------------------------------      ---------------------------------------------------------------
 A-TEAM               60     6       TEAM PTS.       399.50    48.00   MAJOR DECS        6        0
 B-TEAM                0     0       DECISIONS         4        2      FORFEITS          0        0
 EXHINITION            0     0       FALLS            47        3      DEFAULTS          1        0
                                     TECH FALLS        1        1      DISQUALIFI        1        0
 SEASON RECORD        60     6